Haltian Research

International multidisciplinary applied research activities are an essential part of Haltian's operations. We stay at the forefront of technology innovation and continuously develop and enhance our portfolio.

Driving IoT Innovation Through Research Collaborations and Ecosystems

Today, IoT technology is at its rapid development stage. It’s already possible to notice that its expansion is fast and large-scale, as predicted by Gartner. For many, this evolution comes with novel and unforeseen opportunities and threats. Our goal is to predict these opportunities and to mitigate the risks instead. The best way to do it is to be where the action is – at the heart of knowledge development.

Our success philosophy is in the creation of new products and services that meet not only present, but also future demands of our customers. Research enables us to thrive at the intersection of incremental, modular and architectural innovation – improving costs and features, technology components or even the whole architecture of products in our offering and any related services. This is what enables us to create and deliver added value to our customers in everything we do and to sustain the competitive edge in developing connected solutions for businesses across domains.

Read more about why we do research

Research is essential for Haltian

Our research activities highlight the openness and transparency behind what we do and our products.


Research brings together knowledge-providers and industry players across the world to co-create new knowledge and innovation for business needs. The collaboration ecosystem allows to distribute the work among multiple international parties, decreasing the go-to-market time and spend.


Novel solution models created on the research projects bring value and competitive advantage, leveraging market potential and influencing society. The long-term exploitation of the research results produces significant impact on the turnover and export of the participating organizations.

New Opportunities

Participation in research activities opens the doors to endless business opportunities. It includes the collaboration with new industry partners, from startups to large enterprises, as well as customers, competitors and research institutions.

On-going research programs

Untangling People Flow
The Untangling People Flow consortium aims to productize the relations between people-flow and optimal use of the built environment.

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Carbon Handprint
Haltian develops concepts and services that allow Haltian and its global customers to reduce their carbon footprint by implementing carbon handprint into practice.

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Completed research programs

EU Horizon 2020 InSecTT
Intelligent Secure Trustable Things

The project will provide cost-efficient system solutions of intelligent, secure and trustworthy connectivity and interoperability. InSecTT combines AI and IoT by bringing AI to edge computing and making it reliable.

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EU Horizon 2020 FRACTAL
9/2020 – 8/2023​
A Cognitive Fractal and Secure EDGE based on a unique Open-Safe-Reliable-Low Power Hardware Platform Node

The project will create a cognitive computing node and fractal edge that will enable scalable, adaptive, autonomous and secure IoT solutions.

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ITEA3 Mad@Work
12/2019 – 06/2023
Mental Health and Productivity Boosting in the Workplace

A workplace wellbeing-centered project, with a goal to create means to measure physical & mental (dis)comfort, and tools that help to create better, productive conditions for knowledge work.

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4/2020 – 12/2022
Data-intensive innovations for stroke prevention and diagnostic

Better patient care through co-creation of novel data-intensive innovations for stroke prevention and diagnostic.

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EU Horizon 2020 SECREDAS
5/2019 – 10/2021
Product Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems

The project will build a reference architecture for Secure and Safe Automated systems compliant with the new GDPR Regulation in road, rail and health domains.

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Sun-Powered Textiles
6/2019 – 5/2022
Powering Textile Integrated Electronics with Photovoltaics

The project creates a unique concept of integrating solar cells behind the textile fabrics, instead of in front of them. The project outcome will be a sun-powered regularly looking clothes, suitable for many further developments, such as smart clothing.

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Sea 4 Value Future Fairway Research Program
02/2020 – 01/2022
Smart fairway navigation and safe operations at sea to enable future autonomous maritime transport.

The program focuses on ensuring the maritime safety of navigation and operations. At present, it is ensured through complex effort: master, crew, pilots, vessel traffic services (VTS), and aids to navigation. Future technology developments are aiming to automate these functions. The mission of the Future Fairway is to provide blueprints towards digitalisation, service innovation and information flows in maritime transport. Its longer term mission is in preparing for advanced autonomous operations and navigation.

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Vessel on sea for the Sea4Value DIMECC program
cargo boat sailing at sea

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Haltian is also part of the ONE SEA ecosystem. ONE SEA is a high-profile ecosystem with a primary aim to lead the way towards an operating autonomous maritime ecosystem by 2025. The collaboration gathers together leading marine experts and is a strategic combination of top research, state-of-the-art information technology and business. The work began in 2016, and the aim is to create an environment suitable for autonomous ships by 2025.

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The United States National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC)
Center for Visual and Decision Informatics (CVDI)

CVDI is one of NSF IUCRC research centers, where Haltian is an industry member. CVDI promotes high-quality industry relevant research and direct technology transfer of ideas, research results and technology to industry. It brings a consortium of researchers and students across multiple universities to advance research and innovation in big data with respect to Internet of Things – specifically how large scale multi-dimensional datasets are analyzed and interpreted using advanced data mining, and visual and perceptual techniques for decision makers.

CVDI’s mission is to research and develop next generation technologies in data science, big data, analytics, including visual analytics, augmented intelligence, and decision informatics to enable decision makers in government and industry to fundamentally improve the way their organization’s information is interpreted and analyzed. CVDI brings together, analytic, visual and perceptual techniques by advancing the state-of-the-art in the research fields of Information Visualization, Visual Analytics and Automated Analysis.

CVDI’s value proposition offers a low cost, low risk venue for the industry to validate the early stage innovation with involvement of major research university faculty, post doctorate scholars and students.

CVDI is co-funded by Business Finland.

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Through our collaboration with Haltian we empower human-centric technology solutions with advanced analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This opportunity enables us to advance in world class state-of-art research with highly valued practically validated results.”

Moncef Gabbouj, Professor at Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences

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