Empathic Building for Telia Oslo – Customer Case Video
Watch our customer reference video on how telecommunications company Telia uses Haltian Empathic Building office solution at their Oslo office to manage hybrid working.
Starting point
Easy room and desk booking in a new office
Live Johansen, Telia Oslo Head of Office and Facility Management was looking for a solution that would make it easier for employees to book rooms on the go, and find available desks and their co-workers.
“It’s a large building we just moved into, and it can be a bit confusing to get around and find things,” Live explains.
In addition, Live wanted to get utilization data to know how their office is used and make continuous improvements.

Easy to use digital twin
Empathic Building smart office solution was taken into use at Telia’s office. The digital twin visualizes the entire office with rooms, desks, working zones, and any other information Telia wants to share.
With Empathic Building it’s much easier for employees to find what or who they are looking for. They can open Empathic Building on their computer and mobile phone, and they have info screens around the office with the digital twin on them.
Telia Oslo office uses Empathic Building in many different ways, but one of the things Live really appreciates is the different working zones that we visualized in the Empathic Building. “We have full-focus zones for quiet, concentrated work and active zones where you can collaborate with other people”, Live says. These zones have everything needed to do the different types of work. The zones are found in the Empathic Building, along with information about free desks and rooms in that area.
Everything in one place
“We have gotten many benefits from Empathic Building but the biggest one for me as an office manager is the utilization reports: I can extract reports either from a longer period of time or see the status in real-time. With that data, I can look into how people are using our building. I can see if there are areas that are more popular than others or maybe there are desks that are not being used. Then I can do some adjustments and make our office even better for our employees,” Live says.
Live also says she enjoys that Empathic Building has many things all in one place: from one interface, people can find available desks and rooms, see where their colleagues are, book rooms, and see the working zones. “People can learn more about our office from our Empathic Building.”
We have gotten many benefits from Empathic Building but the biggest one for me as an office manager is the utilization reports: I can extract reports either from a longer period of time or see the status in real-time. With that data, I can look into how people are using our building.
Live Johansen, Head of Office and FM, Telia
Get in touch
Learn more about Haltian office solutions
Book a meeting with Janne Kilpeläinen or send him a message to janne.kilpelainen(at)haltian.com