mad at work

Mad At Work

“In any one year … one in six workers is likely to be suffering from a mental health condition.”

The Deloitte Centre for Health Solutions, 2017

Proposed Solution

Multiracial creative people in modern office. Group of young business people and senior boss are working together with laptop, tablet, smart phone, notebook, graphs. Successful team in coworking

Towards An Empathic Workplace Culture

The Mad@Work project will take the next step towards unobtrusive, privacy-safe solutions for diverse working environments. It will develop Novel Human Capital Management concepts to improve employees’ well-being and facilitate empathic workplace culture, collaboration, and psychological safety.

The new technological approaches will be monitoring the environmental quality via unobtrusive sensors, embedded into the work environment and personal devices, in order to ensure office comfort. They will also continuously assess personal conditions over time, anonymously aggregating the data into an organizational barometer. The barometer will show overall employee dissatisfaction for HR in a timely manner. This will facilitate an empathic work culture and better workload distribution.

Mad@Work solutions will be developed and tested in long-term pilots in the course of the normal work life of knowledge workers.

Organizational Barometer

A continuously updating, data-driven well-being map (including the organization’s stress level and work environment) for organization-level actions.

Personal Tools

Recognize cumulative/excessive load, enable self-regulation, and environmental comfort.

Data-driven Technology

Unobtrusive, privacy-safe, and ethically aligned design to monitor and detect mental health conditions (esp. stress) and identify stressors in the work conditions.


The project’s consortium consists of 18+ international industry and research leaders

mad at work consortium

Project duration: 01/09/2020 – 01/06/2023

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