Desk Sharing for Hybrid Workplaces

Implement desk sharing at scale within days and without stress. Lead the adoption by providing visibility and everyday tools for employees.
Enable desk sharing with Empathic Building for Offices

Empower your Hybrid Workplaces

Desk sharing is the best way to organize your hybrid workplace while simultaneously cutting costs. However, implementing such changes fast and easily is challenging. Haltian offers the seamless technology solution that gives visibility and offers easy booking of available desks, rooms, phone booths, and co-working areas.

Solution Key Features

Haltian real-time smart office app is the central element in enabling desk sharing for companies. It is the most intuitive and easy-to-use software for mass deployment on the market. Speed up the adaptation of people to new working policies, while keeping them happy.

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Zero-click & Two Click Booking

Find a free desk or phone booth and just sit in. Or open the app and book in 2 clicks. Now people will know its occupied.

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Desk & Room Capabilities

Show what each desk and room has. Save to favorites the desks and rooms you use often. Add room pictures or videos.

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Advanced Search Function

Find the free desk with two screens, spacious room for the meeting, your colleague, areas for focus or collaboration work.

Interested in making your hybrid office effective?

Maximize the use of resources and achieve 1145% ROI with desk sharing

Desk sharing is a key to achieving the efficiency of the hybrid workplace. It helps to maximize the use of existing resources, resulting in great cost savings. Read our article on how much ROI desk sharing solution will bring.

Read the article


Accurate, real-time, secure and GDPR-compliant technology for your hybrid workplace.

Digital Twin of your Office

• The most intuitive, fast, and scalable software interface
• Customize look and feel – make a theme for your own brand
• Communicate events, information, and zones to the whole organization

Using Empathic Building for Offices on a laptop

Booking Engine

• Use with or without sensing devices
• Reserve on the go or pre-book for the future
• Integrate with existing systems
• Two-way enterprise calendar synchronization


Sensing Devices

• Buy with a one-time purchase or use without ownership (Devices As a Service)
• Passive Infrared (PIR) person detection technology that only senses heat – privacy and GDPR compliant, no camera or personal data collection
• Completely wireless connectivity – outside your existing IT infrastructure
• Multiple applications, wide sensors selection, and expansion path for your digital workplace

Read more: Haltian Thingsee Sensors

Table full of Haltian Sensing Devices
If company's office from the outside

We created an environment where teams can easily connect and work together effortlessly, while scaling from 15 000 square meters to roughly 9000 and reducing the number of desks from 650 to around 400 desks in Espoo alone.

Santtu Bergström Portfolio Manager in Facility Services

Read case study

Let’s connect

Janne Kilpeläinen
Vice President