The Need for a Flexible, Tech-Savvy, and Data-Driven Office

As Sofigate prepared for their office move, they recognized a greater need for a tech-savvy office that supports modern hybrid work. The company had already in the previous office embraced a hybrid work model where employees could choose where to work. However, the vision for the new office was to create an even more attractive, multi-functional space worth the commute and where people would prefer to come, collaborate, and innovate. Sofigate’s Office Lead, Ulla Somerma, highlighted the importance of creating a dynamic workspace that supported various work modes, from deep focus to creative collaboration. “We wanted the office to be modern, flexible, and driven by real office usage data—not assumptions—about how people work,” Ulla explained.

Sofigate office living room
Sofigate’s new office offers flexible spaces for coworking and getting together

The previous office had quite traditional workspaces and fixed desks, with little insight into actual usage patterns. Sofigate was looking for a way to optimize space, while still having a cozy, home-like feeling at the workplace.  Sofigate wanted their office to support collaboration, foster connections, and maintain a strong company culture, even in a hybrid work environment.

Haltian Smart Office and Digital Twin Technology

To meet their goals, Sofigate partnered with Haltian and implemented their Smart Office solution. At the heart of this setup was Haltian’s digital twin technology, which creates a real-time, virtual representation of the office. This digital twin allows employees to see available desks, meeting rooms, and even phone booths, all of which can be reserved through the digital twin app.

The system includes occupancy sensors on desks and in rooms, allowing for real-time updates on space availability. Sofigate also installed door panels, making it easy for employees to book meeting rooms on the go. In addition, large information screens in the office display the digital twin, so employees can quickly check available spaces or locate colleagues.

One standout feature for Ulla is the ability to manually check into the system, which makes it easy for colleagues to see where their team members are working. “It’s fantastic to be able to see where everyone is, especially when you need a quick chat or to solve an issue on the fly,” she shared. Haltian representatives have always been available and even on-site to introduce the system and ensure a smooth start. Ulla was impressed with the speed and professionalism of the installation, noting that the sensors were up and running in the blink of an eye.

Haltian digital twin at Sofigate's office
Sofigate’s digital twin shows free, reserved, and in-use desks and meeting rooms

A Data-Driven, Employee-Centric Workspace

The impact of Haltian’s Smart Office on Sofigate has been significant. Employees now actively use the digital twin to navigate the office, find available workspaces, and locate colleagues.

The new office brought Sofigators to one same floor. This, together with Haltian Smart office, has improved collaboration and reduced the need for formal meetings, as informal conversations and spontaneous encounters now happen more naturally. Ulla, who spends much of her time in the office, says the digital twin can even speed up decision-making processes. “I can see where everyone is and quickly have a chat to move things forward,” she noted. “It saves us time and increases productivity.”

One of the most valuable aspects of the system is the data it provides. Previously, decisions about the office design and adjustments were based on surveys and observations on how employees use the spaces. Now, Sofigate has real-time and higher-quality usage data, showing, for example, which spaces are most and least used. This allows Ulla and her team to make data-driven decisions to continually improve the office environment. “Being able to go to leadership with actual data makes it much easier to justify changes or investments,” Ulla explained.

The response from employees has been very positive. People appreciate the flexibility of choosing their workspace for the day and enjoy the ease of finding available rooms or desks. Ulla’s personal favorite feature is the ability to create custom groups in the app, such as her lunch group, making it even easier to connect with colleagues.