Tulevaisuuden sairaala Future of Hospital virtual

Tulevaisuuden sairaala

Haltian participates Tulevaisuuden sairaala, aka Future of Hospital virtual event in September 21 presenting Empathic Building smart hospital solution.

See Gunnar Hansen from Haltian give his speech Time to make your hospital data-driven and present an Empathic Building Hospital Solution customer case.


Virtual event. Find out more and get tickets here.


22-23 September 2021, Haltian presents on day one.

Who’s going?

Gunnar Hansen, Head of Empathic Building Hospital Solution gives his speech Time to make your hospital data-driven in 22.9 at 14.30 EET

Also, Tomi Teikko and Pertti Kujala from Haltian will attend.


real-time healthcare systems

Empathic Building for Hospitals

Haltian Empathic Building for hospitals solution aims to reduce all small and big tasks, which takes focus away from the patient to an absolute minimum and enables clinical personnel to concentrate on the patient.

Learn more