Optimize workplace experience

Create seamless office and hybrid work experience by connecting people and making facility operations smooth. Demonstrate commitment to well-being and employee experience.
Optimize workplace experience for the benefit of your employees

Your Workplaces

What is the journey beyond higher efficiency and productivity of the workplace? It is the happiness of your employees. Create value through higher engagement by investing in employee experience.

Empathic Building is a user-centric technology that is built for Facility Managers, Workplace IT, and HR professionals. But most of all, it is built for all people who work in the office.

  • Make everything work

    Deliver functional and usable workplaces

    Investment into employee experience is an easy means of creating value through engagement with your people. It builds on an existing effort within IT to improve the user experience with digital systems and office space. It is a value-creation strategy since it is about both usability and functionality.

  • Negotiate HVAC Changes Fast

    Air Quality for Healthy Workplaces

    Optimize ventilation system and request its maintenance fast with the support of real-time data. Get workplace certifications, demonstrating commitment to employee well-being and sustainability.

  • Engage and connect hybrid workplaces

    Strengthen culture & boost learning

    Establish and reinforce feedback culture, encourage interaction, share content with ease. Customize the look and feel of the technology to support your brand and strengthen the sense of belonging during remote work.

Fantastic Workplace Enablers

Value is created when things work properly and existing systems are easy to operate and people keep using them. With the most intuitive interface and useful functions, you can be sure that people use the tools that support your existing processes.

Visualize parking data in Empathic Building and improve the workplace experience for your employees

Visualize Parking Occupancy data

Show real-time data on parking spaces and available electric car charging bays. Book parking spaces. Understand utilization and rightsize.

A laptop and a phone showing the capabilities of EBO integration

Integrate with Existing Systems

Make it easy for people to report facility issues. Synchronize everything in one place. Resolve and communicate the progress fast to the whole organization.

EB airq

Optimize HVAC & Maintenance

Monitor air quality to optimize ventilation system and request its maintenance fast, while creating and ensuring healthy and productive workplace.


Accurate, real-time, secure and GDPR compliant technology for your hybrid workplace.

Digital Twin of your Office

• The most intuitive, fast and scalable software interface
• Customize look and feel – make theme for your own brand
Communicate events, information, zones to the whole organization

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Digital twin of the office shown on a laptop

Booking Engine

• Use with or without sensing devices
• Reserve on-the-go or pre-book for the future
• Integrate with existing systems
• Two-way MS365 calendar synchronization

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Booking engine for EBO on a phone

Sensing Devices

• Buy with one-time purchase or use without ownership (Devices As a Service)
• Passive Infrared (PIR) person detection technology that only senses heat – privacy and GDPR compliant, no camera or personal data collection
• Completely wireless connectivity – outside your existing IT infrastructure
• Multiple applications, wide sensors selection and expansion path for your digital workplace

Read more: Haltian Thingsee Sensors

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Table full of Haltian Sensing Devices
Uniper's Empathic Building digital twin office solution

We wanted to make hybrid working as easy as possible for our employees. We chose Haltian Empathic Building for its excellent user interface. It’s a fresh, gamified office application that people really enjoy using.

Patrick Müller Head of HSSE IT, Uniper

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