Nordic Way of Working

Office culture determines your office design, not the other way around

Nordic Way of Working means trust, transparency, distributed decision making and flat org charts. These can’t be created by designing an office but once you have them, you can design an office that embraces them.


The Problem
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Employee experience is often limited to things like food, drinks, events, fun
Employees themselves are rarely heard when designing their workplaces
● Workplaces are too often about as efficient space use as possible and too rarely about as high-performing employees as possible.

The Solution
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Frictionless workplaces make employees happier and perform better. Friction can be reduced by optimizing (or completely removing) tasks such as booking meeting rooms
● Environment matters. Air quality, temperature and luminosity in the office are all very personal matters and affect performance
● Frictionless, employee feedback and environment can be integrated into employee experience solution
● Empathic Building supports the Nordic Way of Working by delivering all these to the hands of employees

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Contact us to learn more
Timo Korpela
Timo Korpela, VP Sales

Book a call with Timo

Tomi Teikko, Haltian
Tomi Teikko, Founder of Empathic Building, Workplace Advisor

Book a call with Tomi

pramod, Haltian
Pramod Bhave, Delivery Manager

Book a call with Pramod

Let us call you